Ocean 3 Features Breakdown

This was my process in creating the features for this tech demo in Unreal Engine 4.11

Roomscale|Locomotion System
Problem: Creating a seamless Virtual Reality experience without the need to "teleport" for the client to explore the entire space.
Solution: Scripted a system that allows you to use room-scale movement in tandem to using direction based locomotion to move beyond your physical bounds. 
Outcome: Clients picked up quickly and  naturally and had no motion-sickness experiencing the entire space.

Global Sliding Door
Problem: The level called for using the same sliding door throughout the space but physics handles could not be used.
Solution: Scripted a variety of functions within a blueprint to compare the correct variables between the motion controllers and the transformations of the door within the space.
Outcome: Replicated a real door opening experience within the VR space that clients picked up naturally.
Interactive Items
Problem: Demo felt flat without many things you could interact with and sound to set the setting.
Solution: Scripted physics objects interactions within the space including sound.
Outcome: Added an extra layer of depth to the setting it making it feel more immersive to clients.
Climb stairs in VR!
Problem: The space called for the ability to climb a set of steps.
Solution: Scripted a function within the character in tandem with my locomotion/room-scale to emulate the feeling of being on top of certain objects.
Outcome: This allowed clients to climb the steps and be able to have no boundaries when navigating the space.
More shots of natural unconstrained movement.
Developed using Unreal 4.11 Blueprints 

Want to try it for yourself?
Requires a VR ready PC
Further breakdowns will be available upon request. 
Please don't hesitate to contact me.

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